Reflection Post

  1. I really like the freedom that comes with this class. I liked how we got to choose what our topic was about. It made it so I actually wanted to learn and make the projects. I think my favorite project was unit 4. I don’t really like how my video turned out because I had an idea in my head but I don’t have all the skills, so it makes me want to keep making stuff to try to become better.
  2. I want to go into marketing which has a lot of different components. One of the parts it advertising and I feel like they work a lot with videos and coming up with ideas. I also am the PR manager for the WSU Woman’s Volleyball Club and they have me make videos. That’s something I wouldn’t have been able to do if it wasn’t for this class.
  3. Like I said in question two I plan to go into marketing and one of the aspects is advertising. In order to be successful you have to come up with ideas, and I think it’s a bonus if you already know how to use the software. I think all of the projects were helpful in some ways. I liked how we had tutorials to give an idea of what to do instead of having us figure it out on our own, but everything we used I think I will refer back to at some point.
  4. I wish that we would have spend more time in unit 4. I feel like there’s so much you can do with videos and the tutorials only covered a very small portion. I think that on the week we have off, you some have either extra credit premiere tutorials or tie them in somehow so people can try to do a little bit more creative things with their final project.
  5. I only really looked into a few YouTube videos hear and their to either help me find something or to give me some extra ideas on how to create something. I didn’t have a go to website though, I would just google what I wanted to learn or find out more about what I was looking for.
  6. I really like the idea of this class. I think you should have a different way to do readings, because I feel like they are probably important but I didn’t do any of them and I’m sure a lot of other people didn’t do it either. I also think you should offer 6 tutorials and have students pick 3-4 so it gives them options on what they want to make or what they want to learn if they have an idea for their video.

Unit 4 Final

For my final project, I didn’t do any major changes. I got good feedback saying that the idea was useful and that my intended target audience, college students, enjoyed it and felt that this was something they could use.

Some of the comments said that I should start my video with a title and my name. I added a 5 second title slide which I think was a good addition. I also got feedback suggesting I change my transitions and voice over to match a little better. Like I said I didn’t change much but I did move some clips slightly to have the voice over match a little better, and I changed some of the transitions.

Overall, I think I followed what the tutorials taught me plus I looked up some different ideas on my own. I tried to fix the quality of my video but this is the best I could do. I think I have a good project here and learned a lot in premiere.

Unit 4 Draft Video

For this video I decided to make a how-to video. This video is for people who don’t have time but still want to make their own food. I got the idea because as part of my last project I interviewed a WSU student and the main thing they said was that they don’t have any time, and as a result they go out to eat a lot. This is the problem with most college students. In some of my other projects I looked into some surveys and the result was all the same.

I got all the video clips myself. I had a friend of mine film me making the entire thing, and then I did a voice over in the end. I used a lot of the tips the tutorials went over. First some of my videos didn’t end up being the same size so I adjusted the scaling to make them all look the same. I also used the video transition effects throughout the video.

One thing I found while I was making my video was that the clips were very long, because making food takes a little time to prep it, and the video can only be 1-2 minutes long. I wanted to speed the video clips up like they to in other how-to videos that I’ve seen. Since we didn’t go over this in any of the tutorials I had to look it up online. It was a lot easier than I thought and I didn’t have to do much.

Overall, Premiere wasn’t my favorite thing to work with. I didn’t have any issues, I just felt like my skills would be better than they really were so my video didn’t quite meet me expectations. I know this video could probably use some work so I’m open to hear everyone’s ideas.

Raw Footage and StoryBoard

Sample Storyboard: Cooking for College Students

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:XX  Layout off the ingredients I will be using Have footage of the food I’ll be using with a voice over of the prices of the items
0:XX-X:XX  Clips of me prepping the food Voice over of how to do everything that I’m doing in the video
X:XX-X:XX  since I’m using the crockpot ill have a clip of that for a while Ticking sounds for a clock
The end will be a finished look of the overall piece Music in the background

The reason for the short videos is that I won’t be able to actually cook the meal until Wednesday.

Final Audio

For my final, I didn’t rerecord any of the clips, because the feedback that I got said it sounded clear and professional. A lot of the feedback I got said that my draft was good, I should just rearrange my facts so that instead of them all being at the end, clip them so that one interview questions ends with the fact that is relevant to it. I also got some feedback saying I should have some sound in between my clips.

I first started editing my draft by adding two different sounds. I recorded myself cutting some carrots and I put it at the start of each question. The second clip was me moving some dishes around, I put this clip in between the end of the answer and in from of the fact I was about to tell. I decided to add two different once because I thought that it would make it clear to the listener of what was coming next. I then used the razor tool to cut the facts clip. I cut it once because I only provided two facts. I put one of them at the end of the first question and the other and the end of the second question because I thought that’s were they fit best. I also adjusted the sound of the clips so that the one of my cutting carrots faded in and out and was a little louder. My last question I didn’t provide a fact because the question was opinion based.

In my draft I originally had four questions but I took out the third one because I thought it related to the second question a little, and I went over the time since I added sounds in between my clips. At first I thought a change I should make was putting a sound clip at the start and finish of my clip, but I ended up not liking it as much. I thought the addition of the sounds in between were good enough.

Overall, I think the changes I made to my clip made it a lot better than before. I think my audio still tells an information story of how a WSU college student spends her money. Ideally I would have liked to have a second opinion, but I didn’t have enough time, because I wanted to ask three questions to the same person instead of one question to different people. Like I said, I’m very satisfied with the way my audio turned out.

Audio Draft

For my project, I interviewed a random WSU student. Since my blog is based on cooking with a budget I asked questions that related to the topic. I thought this was a good idea because it gave people an understanding that this is a real issue that college students face. I ended my interview with some facts that I found online. I thought this was a good addition because it gives perspective on how all college students spend their money and not just the random student I interviewed.

I used the clipping tool we used in the tutorials to clip some of the space in between clips, and to help make the video more smooth. I also messed with the volume to make all the clips sound the same instead of having some be louder than others. When I got my clips I didn’t make the audio too long in the first place so that it would make editing a little easier, but also because I had some difficulties sending a large file from my phone to my email. I had to record and send a few different times before I found out which time frame was easiest to spend without issue.

I wanted to add some sound but I had too much footage that I maxed out on time. I’m not sure if this is something I should still add, because if I end up adding music I will have to take something out, but I’m hoping some of the feedback with help solve this issue. I really liked the information on the end so I’m not sure I want to take that out but maybe someone feels like one of the questions is out of place, or unneeded that I might be able to change.

Overall, I didn’t seem to have too many issues on getting the footage, or editing it into something I liked. I think this fits my topic pretty well, but I’m interested to hear what my peers think could make it better.



Raw Audio Footage

I found a WSU student and asked them questions about their food budget and a few other questions. I only have the answers right now, but will record everything else later.

Final Logo

For my final logo I didn’t change much of the base look. I kept the colors because I liked that the warm colors represent hunger. My peers gave positive feedback as well so it was left untouched.

I got a lot of feedback saying I didn’t need both the “Haylee’s Kitchen” and the “HK” because they both meant the same thing. I chose to keep “Haylee’s Kitchen” because I liked how it went around the circle, and how it balances the lines at the bottom. Since I took out the “HK” in the middle I had to figure out what to put in the middle. Some of the feedback said that it looked too crowed to I took that into consideration when thinking of something new to put in. Someone suggested I do something like add a plate and put the spoon and fork near it. Instead I added another circle for the inside to represent a plate. I then wanted to do something interesting in the middle so I took the fork and spoon and but a gradient on them to look more like silverware. I got the idea to cross them from the pencil tutorial. I think this gave the logo the space it needed, and it got ride of repeating “HK.”

For my final I used the same tool as I did in the first draft. I thought that they were really easy to use and it gave me the look that I wanted. Overall, I’m really happy with the logo I created. I think it does a great job of showing a story of what my blog is about. I liked how my first draft turned out but after getting some advise I think this one turned out better, and like I said I’m really happy with it.

Like I’ve said in my other posts the fork and spoon came from

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